Muhafadzah ; is a Scientific Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling published twice a year by the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Faculty of Tarbiyah, Al-Azhaar Institute of Islamic Religion Lubuklinggau. This journal focuses on the results of research and scientific articles related to the field of counseling guidance, especially concentrated on Islamic educational institutions, but still provides a portion of counseling guidance issues in the community. Scientific works published in the Muhafadzah Journal include aspects of guidance and counseling in which there are educational, religious, religious and social values that can provide enlightenment and paradigm renewal widely for the community.

Please download the Muhafadzah Article Template here:

The editor of the journal "MUHAFADZAH" accepts writings from any circle, with the following conditions:

1. The length of the manuscript is at least 10 and the maximum is 20 double-spaced pages.
2. The manuscript contains: title, author's name, affiliation, email, abstract, (Indonesian or English, keywords, introduction (without subtitles), subheadings (written as needed, closing and bibliography/references.
3. Writing reference sources using the foot note system.
4. The manuscript is one's own work (original).
5. The manuscript submitted has never been published through any publication.

6. The manuscript is sent in 2 (two) copies, along with the discography (microfot word program).
7. All manuscripts will be selected through an editorial hearing, and eligible manuscripts will be published.
8. As a prerequisite for the processing and selection of writings, contributors of writings are required to become customers of the Tazkirah Journal.
9. The writing of the manuscript must be accompanied by a brief bio (on a separate sheet), including personal identity, rank/class, field of expertise, position, and recent educational experience.

10. Willing to contribute to Online Publishing for manuscripts that have been declared to be published, with conditions, for lecturers within the Nusantara Islamic University Al-Azhaar Lubuklinggau